Saturday, July 12, 2008

Ian Baker-Finch and the Sheep Shagger.

I was innocently waiting for CBS to return from commercial to their coverage of the John Deere Classic. Time check, 3:47 PM, EST. With open mike, but a tick before video came the unmistakable lilt of Ian Baker-Finch uttering "Sheep Shagger" to the anxious national audience. Yup, a very distinct, well enunciated, "Sheep Shagger". Normal coverage resumed. Feherty must have been involved in some way. You know it, I know it, and the American people know it.

Easy to figure. We know what sheep are and we've seen enough Austin Powers to have shagging mastered. You do the math. It all kind of sheds a new light on Baker-Finch. I always thought he was a bit restrained and inhibited. Wrong again I suppose.

Til' next,

"Honest officer, I was only helping him over the fence."


  1. I also caught the verbal assault of "Sheep Shagger" but figured it alluded to the previous commercial spot which finished with a picture of and comment on Bud Selig and his future television appearance on the David Letterman show.

  2. You know, you may be on to something. But with Selig though, why stop with sheep?

  3. Gotta love the internet. I thought I'd heard the same comment and this entry just verified it (and confirmed that I wasn't hallucinating). In fact, I think something similar happened during one of the following commercial breaks as well, but I didn't catch what was said.

  4. I didn't catch the 2nd either, but have seen reference to it. I gotta tell you I questioned my ears about sheep shagger because it came out of left field. I was trying to think of what he possibly could have said that was "close".

  5. It wasn't from the commercial because the commercial here in Tulsa wasn't a Letterman commercial leading into the "sheep shagger" quip.

  6. Good observation. One that didn't hit me. The one thing I knew for sure is that it was Baker-Finch's voice. It took a bit to be convinced about what he's said. Guess I'm not up on Brit/Aussie slang.
